SMM - Strategic Marketing and Mailing
SMM stands for Strategic Marketing and Mailing
Here you will find, what does SMM stand for in Marketing under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Strategic Marketing and Mailing? Strategic Marketing and Mailing can be abbreviated as SMM What does SMM stand for? SMM stands for Strategic Marketing and Mailing. What does Strategic Marketing and Mailing mean?The Marketing company falls under marketing and advertising category and is located in Champaign, Illinois.
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Alternative definitions of SMM
- Sex, Money, Murder
- Society of Marine Mammalogy
- Spatial Metadata Manager
- Surface Mount Module
- Shareware Music Machine
- Social Media Marketing
- System Management Mode
- Solar Maximum Mission
View 106 other definitions of SMM on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SMI Sphere Management Inc.
- SOL Southwest One Ltd.
- SOLSI SOL Schools International
- SCJI Shane Corporation Japan Inc.
- SVSI Senior Vision Services Inc
- SSCC Sure Start Childrens Centre
- SDC Simpson Door Company
- SC The Shore Club
- SLLS St. Lorenz Lutheran School
- SHP Student Health Pharmacy
- SOWM School On Wheels of Massachusetts
- SEC Skyline Electric Company
- SPA Sports and Pt Assoc
- STGH South Tipperary General Hospital
- SF Sage v Foods
- SMS Salient Medical Solutions
- SLP Scholastic Library Publishing
- SCRML Star Corporation Restaurant Management LLC
- SVA Silicon Valley Accountants